2024 District 15 Conference

Do Great Things
Welcome to District 15’s 2024 Annual Conference in Twin Falls, Idaho! Our Theme is “Do Great Things”. We are happy to have you join us on this journey of exploration and empowerment, delving into how greatness can be achieved in various aspects of our lives, particularly in the realms of communication, leadership, public speaking, and community engagement. We have a spectacular cast of presenters that we believe will excite you and inspire you to “Do Great Things”. Take a look at what’s in store!
Key Note

Second Vice President
Stefano McGhee, DTM
Stefano S. McGhee, DTM, of Weymouth, Massachusetts, works as the Director of DevOps and Infrastructure for Harvard Business Publishing. He leads a team of engineers in ensuring the availability and stability of the organization’s most critical applications, including Harvard Business Review.
McGhee earned a master’s degree in military operational arts and sciences from the United States Air Force’s higher education organization. During his time in school, McGhee earned the International Security Studies Research Award for his work that was of interest to national security. He is a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, where he shares the wonder of flying with children and young adults.
A Toastmaster since 2005, McGhee’s home club is Network Voice Toastmasters in Weymouth. He has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation-the highest level of educational achievement in the organization.
“Toastmasters gives those willing to put the time in the critical skills to be a better version of themselves,” he said. “From there, you can confidently take on more challenges at work and life and become the sought-after leader needed in today’s world.”
As an officer of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, McGhee is a “working ambassador” for the organization. He works with the Board to develop, support, and modify the policies and procedures that quide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.
Friday – May 17th
Reception Welcome Keynote at 6:30 PM, “Do Great Things”
Saturday – May 18th
Keynote Speech at 8:35 AM, “Why Are We Here?” Featured Workshop at 3:15 PM, “Adaptive Leadership”
Dinner Keynote at 7:30 PM, “Unleashing Your Potential for Greatness”
Workshop Session Presenters

Sue Ann Kern, DTM
Workshop Session 1 at 9:35 AM
Speakers Lead and Leaders Speak
Sue Ann Kern earned her Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Missouri during the time when computer-generated graphics and desktop computing were in their infancy. The term “website” had not yet been used and the majority of the world had never heard of the word “internet.” Believe it or not, it really wasn’t that long ago! Her early career as a digital designer and programmer led her to technical sales support and gave her opportunities to work with dynamic companies such as Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments, and unknown startups such as Qualcomm. She kept her technical edge while honing her business skills during the 13 years when she managed a tri-state, cosmetic dermatology practice. Her technical background blended with her business management experience has led her to embrace Social Media, which is a perfect mix of business and technology.
Over the past several years, Sue Ann has trained hundreds of businesses and individuals to understand social media and to implement this powerful marketing tool. She is the author of “Facebook for Smart People,” a detailed step-by-step guide to using Facebook as a marketing tool for businesses. After 6 major re-writes in the first 5 years after publication, she finally decided that it is impossible to keep up with all of the changes!
In 2017, Sue Ann earned her Distinguished Toastmaster Award, the highest award given by Toastmasters International. During her 10 years as a Toastmaster, Sue Ann has held offices at the club and district level, worked as a Club Coach, organized several public speaking workshops and events, and is an award-winning speaker and evaluator.
As a trainer, workshop facilitator, consultant, community manager, professional speaker, speaking coach, and Distinguished Toastmaster, Sue Ann helps businesses and individuals to present themselves professionally in person, on the podium and on the web.
David Carr, DTM
Workshop Session 2 at 10:30 AM
Power Up Your Club Website with Toastmost
Learn how your club can modernize its website and extend its digital reach by taking advantage of WordPress, the world’s most popular website software. Building on WordPress allows you to build a more complete website with design flexibility, social media integration, and support for mobile phones. Toastmost includes features for event and email marketing as well as more club-specific functions like managing meeting agendas and signing people up for roles, and online new member applications. David says a good club website should help you market your club, recruit new members, and organize your meetings.
David F. Carr, DTM, is the creator of the Toastmost club website hosting service, which offers a variety of brand-compliant WordPress designs plus extensions for agenda management and other club business functions. He has studied internet best practices since he was an editor at Internet World magazine in the 1990s, is the author of several WordPress plugins, and currently works as editor of digital insight research for Similarweb.
He joined Toastmasters in 2017, led Online Presenters Toastmasters to charter in 2017, and was one of the leaders of the VTM CON / EVV CON digital skills conference series.

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) James A. Johnson
Workshop Session 3 at 11:20 AM
Strategies for Inspiring and Empowering Leadership
After receiving his commission as Second Lieutenant (2LT) in 2001, LTC Johnson served three combat tours in Iraq (2003, 2006 and 2011) and a tour in Kuwait (2021). In addition, he served in Honduras, Czech Republic, Germany, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, and multiple locations in the United States while rising through the ranks from 2LT to LTC over his 20+ years military career. He is also the senior pastor at Mustang Baptist Church in Prairie Hill, TX.
Leadership is a subject near and dear to his heart. He will draw on his military and civilian experience to share strategies and stories for leadership development in your clubs, organizations and within yourself. His presentation will cover three strategies for inspiring and empowering leadership: 1) Lead from the Front (lead by example), 2) Communicate Effectively (foster a culture of collaboration), and 3) Empower Decision-Making (provide mentorship and development opportunities).
LTC Johnson is married to his wife, Damita, and together they have a blended family of seven children. The middle sibling between two sisters, he enjoys reading, working on cars, attending to the family ranch, and spending time with family and friends. LTC Johnson earned an AAS degree from Cedar Valley College, a BA degree from Prairie View A&M University, and an MBA from University of Phoenix.
LTC Johnson joined Toastmasters in June of 2020 and is a member of Image Masters Toastmasters in Salt Lake City, UT.
Marielle Pariseau, DTM
Workshop Session 4 at 1:15 PM
Crafting Your Next Speech With AI…
Marielle Pariseau is not just a Dentist; she’s a visionary in linking oral health with overall well-being, a celebrated speaker, an author, and an inventor with a deep-rooted passion for social impact. Holding a Doctorate in Dental Medicine with honors from Université de Montréal and enriched by advanced education at the Pankey Institute, Marielle’s mission is clear: to advocate for the integral role of dental health in the global healthcare narrative.
A proud member of Toastmasters since 2013, Marielle has honed her communication and leadership skills within the vibrant community of Park City Toastmasters, her home club. Here, she ascended to the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster, embracing numerous leadership roles that catapulted her to international recognition—most notably, as a semi-finalist in the Global Health & Innovation Prize at Yale University and through a TEDx Talk on dental health that captivated over a million viewers worldwide. Marielle’s unique talent lies in her ability to connect teeth with seemingly unrelated topics.
In her upcoming talk, ‘Crafting Your Next Speech with AI: Like a Root Canal on a Narwhal,’ Marielle will delve into the uncharted territory of integrating artificial intelligence with public speaking. This presentation promises to demystify AI’s role in enhancing our communication skills and explore its potential with the creativity and precision of a skilled dentist. Attendees can anticipate an engaging and insightful session that empowers them to harness AI as a transformative tool to become more effective and impactful speakers, showcasing Marielle’s exceptional ability to make complex concepts accessible and relevant. By the end of this speech, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to use AI as a tool to polish your speeches, ensuring they shine brighter than a narwhal’s tusk on a sunny day.

Richard Garber, Ph.D.
Workshop Session 6 at 2:35 PM
Creating or Finding Great Table Topics Questions
Richard will guide us through choosing a good table topics question stumping your participants and having everyone asking you to be the Table Topics Master.
Richard I. Garber is a retired Materials and Processes Engineer. He received a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1981.
Richard worked for a decade in applied research and over two decades in engineering consulting. Much of his consulting was on failure analysis – figuring out why products or components busted or rusted. He has testified as an expert witness in civil court depositions and trials. Richard joined Toastmasters in 2007. Since mid 2008 he has been writing the Joyful Public Speaking blog, which has over 2,660 posts and 2,266,000 page views.
Workshop Session 5 at 2:00 PM Panel Discussion
Are You Captivating Your Audience or Holding Them Captive?
(Definition of captivating: holding attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant or appealing)
(Definition of captive: to keep someone as a prisoner or make someone a prisoner)
This workshop will explore the following discussion points:
- What role storytelling and narrative techniques play in captivating your audience and how to incorporate them into your presentation.
- How to tailor your presentation approach to different audience demographics or cultural backgrounds to ensure maximum captivation and resonance.
- Common pitfalls or mistakes that speakers make that inadvertently lead to losing their audience attention, and how these can be avoided.
Panelists will answer such questions as:
- Can you share an example of a time when you successfully captivated your audience, and what elements or techniques contributed to that success?
- Can you discuss the importance of audience interaction and participation in keeping them captivated, and what methods do you use to encourage active engagement during your presentations?
- What advice would you give to someone looking to improve their ability to captivate and engage an audience, regardless of their level of experience or expertise in public speaking?
Conference Menu
Table Topics Contest
Contest Chairs – Greg Alvord, DL4 and Meg White, DTM
- Briefings 4:30-4:45pm
- Contest starts at 4:45pm
- Results – 5:45pm
Welcome Reception
Introductions – Kandi Kutkas, EC5
Welcome Keynote – Stefano McGhee, DTM Networking
Gather in Lobby for Shoshone Falls – 8:30pm
Shoshone Falls After Dark
District 15 has vehicle passes for the 9:15pm show – first come, first served – $5.00/each
- Registration
- Networking
Opening Ceremony
Mistress of Ceremonies – Meg White, DTM • General Housekeeping, Introductions
District Director – Sarra Idehen, DTM • Setting the Tone for Doing Great Things
Keynote Speaker – Stefano McGhee, DTM • Why are we here?
Workshop Session 1
Speakers Lead and Leaders Speak – Sue Ann Kern, DTM
In order to be an effective leader, you must develop good communication skills. In order to be a great speaker, you must have leadership qualities. Learn the five traits to be a great leader and a great speaker.
9:35-10:15 am
10:15-10:30 am
Workshop Session 2
Power Up Your Club Website with Toastmost – David Carr
Learn how your club can modernize its website and extend its digital reach by taking advantage of WordPress through Toastmost. Toastmost.org includes features for event and email marketing as well as more club-specific functions like managing meeting agendas and signing people up for roles, and online new member application. David says a good club website should help you market your club, recruit new members, and organize your meetings
Workshop Session 3
Strategies for Inspiring and Empowering Leadership – Lieutenant Colonel James A. Johnson
LTC Johnson will draw on his more than 20 years of military experience and his years as a Toastmaster to share strategies and stories for empowering leadership in your clubs, in your organization, and leadership of yourself.
Workshop Session 4
Crafting Your Next Speech With AI… – Marielle Pariseau, DMD, DTM
We will navigate the icy waters of AI-assisted speech crafting, aiming to demystify the process. Our journey begins with the basics of AI and its capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. We will explore the common fears associated with letting AI have a go at your creative processes: Will it capture your voice? Can it understand the nuances of humor? We will address these concerns and share tips on effectively collaborating with AI. The goal is to enhance your speechwriting skills, not replace the unique personality and insights you bring.
Workshop Session 5
Are You Captivating Your Audience or Holding Them Captive? – Panel Discussion
Captivating – holding attention by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant or appealing
Captive – to keep someone as a prisoner or make someone a prisoner
This workshop will explore the following discussion points:
- What role storytelling and narrative
techniques play in captivating your audience and how to incorporate them into your presentation.
- How to tailor your presentation approach to different audience demographics or
cultural backgrounds to ensure maximum captivation and resonance.
- Common pitfalls or mistakes that speakers make that inadvertently lead to losing their audience attention, and how these can be avoided.
Workshop Session 6
Creating or Finding Great Table Topics Questions – Richard Garber, PhD, PM3
Richard will guide us through choosing a good table topics question stumping your participants and having everyone asking you to be the Table Topics Master.
Featured Workshop
Adaptive Leadership – Stefano McGhee, DTM
Join our keynote speaker, Second Vice President, Stefano McGhee, as he gives tips and tricks on reaching out to the community to increase your club’s community engagement.
There will be a Q & A session.
Closing Ceremony
Program Quality Director – Kandi Kutkas, EC5 • Reflections of the Day: Insights and Takeaways
- Call to Action: Committing to Doing Great Things Beyond Today
International Contest
Contest Chairs – Deborah Whitman, DTM and Sameer Deshmukh, DL5
- Briefings 4:15-4:45pm
- Contest starts at 4:45pm
- Results – 5:45pm
Conference Adjournment
Dinner and Awards