We are hosting two Train the Trainer events. If you are interested in learning, the training events will be held on:
November 15th, 2024 at 6-7 PM MST
November 23rd, 2024 at 10-11 AM MST
Download the event agenda here: Train the Trainer Agenda
This will be a virtual training event on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 876 0241 7592
Passcode: 112024
Event overview:
The Train the Trainer program is designed to help your training become memorable and fun.
Learn how to:
• Create a positive learning environment.
• Use engaging adult learning techniques.
• Optimize visual aids and deliver a powerful presentation.
• Exceed your audience’s expectations.
Who should attend?
• Working professionals who want to learn/improve training skills at work.
• Trainers/Business professionals who want to enhance their impact for their clients.
• Toastmasters who want to expand their skills from Speaker to Trainer.
The trainer for the event is Greg Alvord. His background is as follows:
Greg Alvord is a retired research Computer Scientist. He was a member of MISMO from 2000-2018 and served as the Chairman of the Architecture Committee. Greg was appointed by the MISMO Governance Committee to be the V3 Chief Architect in May 2007 and supervised the design and release of the MISMO v3 architecture. In addition to his time as a Computer Scientist, Greg has authored white papers which have appeared in the American Bankers Association Journal and Mortgage Technology on e-mortgage and e-commerce. He co-authored a book chapter with Mike Bixby on the impact of standards on business.
In retirement, Greg has drilled deep into the mathematics of AI and has several development projects in the works. Greg has been a member of Toastmasters since 2018 and is currently serving as the District 15 Division B Director.
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